Learn Permaculture ..!

When the entire world is busy with thinking on the issues before Copenhagen Summit, I received this interesting mail from Mr. Vasudeva, Secretary, IASK i.e. Institute for Indigenous Agricultural Systems and Knowledge (I-ASK), Bangalore.
Mr. Vasudev informed about the course on Permaculture Jan 2010.What is Permaculture?
Vasudeve notes that this is the special course to those who want to make the earth more sustainable. This course enlightens you how you can adopt Permanent Agriculture.
This is two weeks hands on residential Permaculture Design certification course in Mysore (January 4 to 11) and in Punarvasu (Adamaru, near Udupi) (January 12 to 19, 2009). Permaculture (Permanent Agriculture) is about designing sustainable ecological human habitats and food production systems.
If you want to be a certified Permaculture designer the course is two weeks long from Jan 4 to Jan 19, 2010. If you cannot come for the full two weeks, you can still join for one week sessions (without certification) either in Mysore from Jan 4-11 or near Udupi at an organic farm from Jan 12 to 19, 2010, Vasudev says.
Permaculture is an international social movement and design guide for creating sustainable eco lifestyles. One can join an exciting group of people and study how permaculture puts systems together, how to better manage the land you have and educate yourself on things you can do to be a better steward of this planet we call home.
Interested attendees should register themselves before December 26. For details pls click the image above and see the Flyer. You can pass the word around to your eco minded friends too.
For more details contact: Beeja, Mysore
Tel: +91 9900269756 (Ameli)