Karnataka Cabinet Nod to Ban Cow Slaughter

After its firm stand against Bt -brinjal, Karnataka Government led by Chief Minister B.S. Yediyurappa took another bold step to Ban Cow Slaughter in Karnataka.
The State Cabinet on Wednesday 10th February 2010 has approved a new law to ban the slaughter of cows and calves and ensure cattle conservation.
The Bill, which is set to replace the Karnataka Prevention of Cow Slaughter and Cattle Preservation Act, 1964, is expected to be tabled in the next session of the legislature.
The Cabinet had constituted a subcommittee under the chairmanship of Home Minister V.S. Acharya to study the drawbacks in the existing law and suggest measures to be incorporated in the proposed Act.
The new legislation will be in accordance with the Central Act and in conformity with Article 48 of the Constitution.
Briefing presspersons on the decisions taken at the Cabinet meeting at Bangalore, Dr. Acharya and Law Minister S. Suresh Kumar said that the new legislation would have guidelines for the transportation of cattle, apart from stern punishment for offenders.
First-time offenders will be liable to a year in prison and a fine between Rs. 25,000 and Rs. 50,000. Those held for a second offence or more will have to face imprisonment of up to seven years and pay a fine between Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 1 lakh.
Dr. Acharya said that the judgments of courts in various cases pertaining to cow slaughter and transportation of milch animals had suggested that the law should be in consonance with the provisions of the Constitution. “The larger aim of the new Act is to bring in an effective mechanism and enforcement to curb cow slaughter.”
The State Cabinet has approved a new law to ban the slaughter of cows and calves and ensure cattle conservation. The Bill, which is set to replace the Karnataka Prevention of Cow Slaughter and Cattle Preservation Act, 1964, is expected to be tabled in the next session of the legislature.
The Cabinet had constituted a subcommittee under the chairmanship of Home Minister V.S. Acharya to study the drawbacks in the existing law and suggest measures to be incorporated in the proposed Act. The new legislation will be in accordance with the Central Act and in conformity with Article 48 of the Constitution.
Briefing presspersons on the decisions taken at the Cabinet meeting at Bangalore on Wednesday, Dr. Acharya and Law Minister S. Suresh Kumar said that the new legislation would have guidelines for the transportation of cattle, apart from stern punishment for offenders. First-time offenders will be liable to a year in prison and a fine between Rs. 25,000 and Rs. 50,000.
Those held for a second offence or more will have to face imprisonment of up to seven years and pay a fine between Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 1 lakh.
Dr. Acharya said that the judgments of courts in various cases pertaining to cow slaughter and transportation of milch animals had suggested that the law should be in consonance with the provisions of the Constitution.
“The larger aim of the new Act is to bring in an effective mechanism and enforcement to curb cow slaughter.”

Infact, 7 Member Constitution Bench of Supreme Court of India has upheld the Ban on Cow Slaughter in the year 2005 itself by its Verdict delivered on October 26, 2005. interested can go through this historical Judgement by clicking the image here.
Several Organisations had continuously demanded the ban on Cow Slaughter in Karnataka. Shree Raghaveshwara Bharathi Swamiji of Shree Ramachandrapura Math, Hosanagar in Karnataka had launched nationwide Gou Grama Yathra recently which got the widespread support from all quarters of society, irrespective of caste, creed and political parties.
He had also setup a Cow Dung and Cow Urine Factory, first of its kind in the entire Nation at Malur in Kolar, Karnataka, with the help leading industrialists. Apart from manufacturing various useful products from Cow Dung and Cow Urine, this factory produces Electricity also along with Bio Gas.
Thanks to Karnataka Government for its bold step in protecting farmers and their backbone i.e. Cows and Bullocks.
To the person who made the comment that only dying cattle are slaughtered, this is untrue. Actually, it is the milking cows and buffaloes that provide ''thick and luscious meat''. Not to forget the addition of he/she buffaloes, oxen, bulls that are added to the number of dying cattle being slaughtered everyday. On our Birth our mother breast fed us for a period of time. Then for the rest of our life we are fed by cows, without even feeding their calves.Humans slaughter it for its meat. They employ inhuman process and torturous way of getting meat and skin. India has a rapid rise in slaughter houses of cows from about 350 to 36,000 in span of thirty years.This is the official number.Don't know what is unofficial number.
ReplyDeleteThe animals agonies start long before they are dead. They are brought to Alkabir in trucks, from far away distances. For economy, 20-25 huge buffalos are stacked up in each truck. Nobody cares to feed them food, or even water while in transit. They are packed so tightly in the truck, that they are hurt by each other. By the time they arrive, they are no more capable of standing on their own feet. Their tails are cut and chilli powder is rubbed into their eyes to make them move. They are brought into the final ground, where at least a thousand animals are stored. This is their last open air. They are kept here for four days, hungry and thirsty. Then their legs are broken and eyes poked, so that a 'certificate' can be obtained about their uselessness. The hunger and thirst of four days cause the hemoglobin to move from blood in to fat. The meat with higher hemoglobin fetches better prices.Now these animals are pushed into washing showers. Extremely hot water (200 degrees!) is sprayed on them for five minutes, to soften their skins, so they will be easy to remove. The animal faints at this point, but it is not dead yet. Now it is hung upside down with one leg, on a chain-pulley conveyor. Then half of the neck is slit. This drains the blood, but does not kill the animal. After death, the skin swells thick, which sells for a poor price. But the skin of a live animal is still thin, which has better economic value. On one side the blood is dripping from the neck, and on the other side a hole is made in stomach, from which air is pumped inside. This causes the body to swell, making it easier to peel the skin. After removing the leather, the animal is cut into four pieces: head, legs, body, and tail. The machines remove bones, and pack small pieces of meat into cans for shipping. Most of the importers are Gulf Countries.
ReplyDeleteThe Cow and the Indian Civilization- To understand importance of cows, first we need to get back to the importance of cow in the ancient civilization of India. Cows are the most sacred animals to our ancestors and this is not without any reason. In fact the very word Cow in English is derived from the Sanskrit word Gau for Cow.One of the most important reasons is that cows have been the backbones of Indian families and the Indian agricultural system ever since the dawn of this ancient civilization. Apart from the extensively used Cow’s milk which the ancient Indians used to collect only after the calf has had its share, the most important use of Cows was in Agriculture. Without Cow the Indian agriculture in those days was as good as gone, and this was one of the prime reasons why Our ancient ancestors being nature worshippers also worshipped Cow.Cows had their own shelters called Gaushalas (large places where the cows lived) which were many a times larger than the homes where people lived. There used to be people exclusively to look after the well being of the cows here and many a times they used to be the cow owners themselves who used to clean the Gaushalas everyday, feed the cows, take care of their health and so on . Every single festival of harvest had cow worship, house warming ceremonies had the ritual of taking the cow inside the house first and then pray to it to make the house prosper and flood with food grains, milk and butter. Note that those were the days when food was grown in a healthy natural process. There was no industrial revolution, no artificial fertilizers, no chemical pesticides and insecticides. The entire Indian agriculture was based on the nature’s best fertilizer – Cow dung, and one of the nature’s best pesticide – Cow’s urine (along with the neem based solutions) were used extensively in the agriculture. Buttermilk again which is a derivative of Cow’s milk was used as an effective fungicide and weedicide. And not without any reason, the Indian agriculture in those days was extremely productive thanks to the cow products. Farmers were happy, crops came on time, yield was high, prices were low for food crops, kingdoms even used to export their agricultural output, granaries were always filled, milk was abundantly available and so were its derivatives like Butter, Ghee etc which formed an important part of the Indian diet. Every religious institution, big farms, farmers, diary owners all had thousands of cows – the cows which had made the Indian economy rich and healthy. Even today in African deserts were growing food is difficult and whatever grows must give a rich yield for people to have adequate food, fermented cow’s urine is used as a natural pesticide. Compare this with farmers today who spend thousands and thousands of rupees on artificial fertilizers and chemical pesticides, which not only make the food unhealthy, but also make the soil unproductive over time.
ReplyDeleteThose were the times when India was at the peak of Mughal Rule. The rulers of a large part of India were muslims and guess what, they had banned Cow Slaughter in that Mughal Empire. Nobody dared to kill cows and eat beef in that Muslim Empire.Babur, who invaded India all the way from Kabul and established the Mughal Empire in India, despite being an orthodox Muslim had banned Cow Slaughter in his empire. All successive Mughal Emperors – Humayun, Akbar, Shah Jahan, Jehangir, Aurangazeb, and then even Ahmad Shah had banned Cow Slaughter in their kingdoms. Hyder Ali and Tippu Sultan who ruled the Mysore State in the present day Karnataka had made cow slaughter and beef eating a punishable offence and the crime would be punished by cutting off the hands of the person who committed the crime! Today in India we have over 36000 slaughterhouses! How did this massive turn around take place? British Rule and Slaughterhouses Both Mahathma Gandhi and Pandit Nehru had declared before Independence that they would ban Cow slaughter in India after Independence. Obviously they didnt impose it. Why? Thanks to Robert Clive who had converted the Indian muslims (who never ate beef till the end of Mughal era) into believing that beef eating was their religious right. Cow slaughter had become a vote bank issue. How? Read below. Robert Clive – the so called Founder of the British Empire in India who was twice the Governor of Bengal too – on entering India was astonished and amazed to see the success of the agricultural system here. He went on researching the reasons for the success of the Indian agriculture and discovered the root – The Holy Indian Cow. The entire hindu life style revolved around this animal, not just religiously, but socially. Cow was an integral part of a Hindu family as was any other human member in the family. He even found that in many places the total number of cattle was more than the number of humans living there. OK, so he decided, to break the backbone of agriculture in India – the holy cows have to be targeted. And thus was opened the first slaughterhouse of cows in India in 1760 by Robert Clive at Kolkata. It had a capacity to kill 30,000 cows per day. And anyone can guess within a year’s time how many cows would have been killed. And within a century India had very little cattle left to sustain its agricultural needs. And Britain as an alternative started offering artificial manure, and in this manner urea, phosphate etc started getting imported from England. Indian agriculture had started becoming dependent on west invented artificial products and was forced to give up home grown natural practices. Guess what, till 1760 most of India had banned not only cow slaughter, but also prostitution and drinking wine was banned as well. Robert Clive made all three legal and removed the ban.
ReplyDeleteKali (Mumbai)
ReplyDelete4 hrs ago (09:15 AM)
Guess what, till 1760 most of India had banned not only cow slaughter, but also prostitution and drinking wine was banned as well. Robert Clive made all three legal and removed the ban. Now the British had hit two birds with a single stone by this move. The first was to break the backbone of the Indian agriculture ie making cattle not available for agriculture. And the second? Well, obviously Hindus did not work as butchers at the slaughter houses opened by the British. And of course the British were well known for their divide and rule policies which they practiced throughout their colonial kingdoms then. So what did they do? Well, they hired muslims as butchers and this was done in almost every slaughterhouse they opened. And this slowly pushed the muslims into believing that beef eating was their religious right. What the Mughal empire had banned had been turned into a practice by the British empire. What Babur and Akbar termed as a crime was converted into a norm by Robert Clive. And today the soil of India is filled with artificial fertilizers and pesticides while the holy Cow cries in the slaughterhouses. While there were over 70 breeds of cows in the country at the time of independence, today we have only 33 and even among them many breeds are facing extinction. Guess what happened to the man who started all this? Robert Clive became a opium addict and later committed suicide by stabbing himself with a pen knife after being unable to withstand the pain caused by the illness that had resulted from opium addiction.
Cow slaughter and slaughterhouses are banned even today in Nepal. In India, very few are aware of the fact that Article 48 of the Indian Constitution (Directive Principles of State Policy) says clearly that the government must protect the cow, its progeny and other cattle used in agriculture, not just because the cows are sacred to Hindus but because Cows have been the backbone of Agriculture and milk production in this country ever since the dawn of civilization. To millions of poor families in India, even today Cow’s milk is the only source of nutrient to their kids and babies. In India states like Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Chattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka etc have already banned Cow slaughter (Karnataka being a very recent addition). Cuba banned cow slaughter after its people virtually ate up all the cattle leading to a scarcity of diary products. Even Iran has banned Cow slaughter and note that it was at the request of a non-muslim – Seth Merwanji Framji Panday that Iran – a muslim dominated nation banned cow slaughter. Now compare this with India today where our politicians are prepared to sell anything in return for votes.
ReplyDeleteIf the slaughter continues, India will have to start importing milk and dairy products for its sustainability. Wouldn’t this be a very, very sad situation for a country who has been one of the largest exporters of dairy products since time immemorial? Cows are the backbone of Indian agriculture. Gomutra(Cow Urine) and Gobar(Cow Dung) has more mineral contents than all Revital type mineral supplements together. First we moved these inputs from our food chain by moving them out of our agriculture and now we spend money on these artificially synthesized vitamins and mineral supplements which are less than 10% effective compared to natural variety… Save agriculture…save milk..save farmers…save india, Protect the cow. There are so many Farmer suicides just because of non- organic farming, lack or cattle and lack of milk and milk products as a means of sustainability and financial abundance.Most unique, self sustained organic farming method using cow urine & dunk was popular thru out india. Infact the United states has patented so many different types of Indian Cow urine made pesticides, medicines and concoctions and is moving towards organic farming. United states has also imported many indigenous local Indian cow breeds and are raring it there to develop an industry. The reason is that, the Indian cow milk is said to be nutritionally the most superior according to studies shown in the past. It has a tremendous healing effect thanks to the mineral and nutritional richness.It has been proven to cure many ailments, skin diseases and Cow Ghee from India is a principal ingredient in the Ancient healing Medicine Ayurveda. Another striking beauty of the Indian cows is that they are statistically proven to give superior quality milk for at least a decade longer in their lifetime as compared to Cows from the rest of the world. Before Independence we had 70 indigenous types of local Indian breeds that we could boast of. Now there are only close to 30 of them remaining after so much slaughter, abuse and genocide.
Leading Hindu saints, religious leaders of Islam and Christianity, cow scientists, experts, organic farmers and leaders belonging to various social organisations of the country had met the President of India Smt Pratibha Patil and handed her over eight crore signatures collected during the 108 day Vishwa Mangal Gou Gram Yatra from all over the country. The Yatra had begun from Kurukshetra on September 30, 2009 and concluded in Nagpur on January 17. We all must stand up again for the farmers of India and ban cow slaughter